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Prunes are dried plums, specifically the European variety of plums, and are known for their sweet taste and wrinkled appearance. Prunes are made by drying plums, either through sun drying or dehydration. The drying process removes the water content, concentrating the natural sugars in the fruit.Prunes have a sweet and slightly tart flavour, with a dense and chewy texture. They are often described as having a rich, concentrated plum taste.Prunes are rich in essential nutrients, including dietary fiber, potassium, vitamins (such as vitamin K), and antioxidants. They are well-known for their potential digestive benefits due to their high fiber content.Prunes are often associated with promoting digestive regularity. The fiber in prunes, combined with natural sugars and sorbitol, contributes to a laxative effect, helping alleviate constipation.Prunes contain vitamin K, which plays a role in bone health and blood clotting. They also provide potassium, which is beneficial for maintaining healthy blood pressure.



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